Saturday, 13 June 2015

An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir

An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir
Published: Razorbill, April 28th, 2015
Pages: 446
Source: Hardcover, purchased
Genre: Fantasy
Rating: 4.9/5

How I Felt: I absolutely loved this book! It deserves all the hype it's been given! Such a strong first novel for Sabaa Tahir. This book didn't even feel like a debut because the writing style was beautiful, the pacing was fantastic for a fantasy, and the action leaped off the pages! I'm so glad this book was given a sequel because I need to find out what happens to the characters!

It did take me a while to get into the book but that was just because I had to wait for the world building to fit together in my mind, and once that worked itself out everything picked up from there and I couldn't put the book down! This takes place in a very interesting world, reminicent of ancient Rome and this was one of the many factors that drew me to the book in the first place. While reading I could see all the elements of this world slowly falling into place, and I'm so excited to see it develop and grow even more!

What I love about this book is that it's filled with action and mystery and fantasy, and the romance takes a back seat to all this. I appreciate this because it isn't something that's done a lot in YA. On the romance side of things I do have to say that for most of this book I was torn between who to ship. But after the events leading up to the end I'd have to say I'm all for Elias and Laia.

I really liked that near the end we got to learn a little more about the Commandant. I hope in the next book we get to dive in even further and learn more about her relationships with the Nightbringer as well because there are quite a few theories floating around. I'd also like to learn a lot more about the Augurs and the history behind them more. As well as the mystery still surrounding Helene. I also hope we get to see and learn more about the Tribes and Scholars because their history was brushed over quite a few times.

My least favourite character would have to be Helene, I just found myself hating her more and more as the story went on. I do not want her and Elias to be a thing, I don't trust her at all. The way she treated the Scholars and everyone who was inferior to her was infuriating!

This book is told from two P.O.Vs: Elias and Laia. I did like Elias' chapters more, I just find his voice so interesting and unique and I can't wait to learn more!

Overall, I really enjoyed this book! I don't really have too many bad things to say which is amazing! In the next book I
'm hoping we'll get to learn more about Laia's parents because there are some fishy things going on there, I also hope we get to learn more about Mazen and the rest of the Resistance. I definitely recommend this book to everyone!

Thanks for reading!

***Quotes taken from and An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir***
*Info on book taken from*

The Beautiful Bloggers Award

I want to start off this post by thanking the lovely Booknut over at 21st Century Once Upon A Time for nominating me! I feel so grateful and am so happy to be a part of this wonderful blogging celebration!

The rules for the award are as follows:
  • A link to the blogger who took the time to nominate you.
  • List 7 random things about yourself.
  • Nominate 7 wonderful book loving bloggers.
  • Notify the amazing people you nominated for this award.
7 Random Things About Me
1. I've been playing the piano since I was 5 years old.
2. I used to hate reading before I found that one special book that started all of this.
3. That one special book that changed everything was The Hunger Games.
4. I really want to start a BookTube channel but I can't find the time (and I'm too scared).
5. My favourite movie of all time is Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (or just any movie with Jimmy Stewart).
6. I'm obsessed with German Shepards and I've wanted one since I was a wee lass.
7. I have the biggest sweet tooth known to man-kind.

My Nominees
Jay at Books by Jay
Ivey at The Hopeless Reader
Jackie at Books From Trees
Erica at Books4ev
Erin at The Hardcover Lover 
The Bookie Monsters

Congrats to everyone!
Thanks for reading!

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