Saturday, 1 August 2015

Zodiac by Romina Russell

Zodiac by Romina Russell
Published: Razorbill, December 9th, 2014
Pages: 319
Source: Hardcover, purchased
Genre: Science fiction/fantasy
Rating: 4.5/5

How I Felt: I really loved this book! I picked it up because the concept was so unique and I've never read anything like it before. It certainly didn't disappoint! Rho was such a great, realistic protagonist. The plot was so interesting and full of twists! One of my new favourites!

The beginning of this book took me a while to get into because of all the new terms and the new universe and everything, but once I got past that I really started to enjoy myself and get into the story.

The setting is very interesting. It's in another galaxy called the 'Zodiac'. There are 12 planets (also known as 'houses') that govern themselves with their own politics and leader. The planets are based off the zodiac signs, and people on each planet share similar physical and personality traits. I found this really cool and I loved how the author explained it. I loved that we got to see almost every house, and get to see how separated and distant they are from each other and the big difference in culture.

The characters were all so different and unique in this book; I loved getting to learn about all of them! Rho was such an amazing protagonist. A lot of heroins get thrown into her position and they all seem to take it in stride, and adapt easily with a group of people on her side to support her, but Rho is different. No one trusts her, not even her own guard and loyal adviser. They all see her as a delusional child. The struggles she went to were very realistic for her situation and I appreciated that. Hysan was a very interesting character, there's still a lot lurking beneath the surface and I'm looking forward to learning what it is! Mathias bothered me a lot because of how much he didn't trust Rho's judgment, but he redeemed himself at the end for me when he finally believed her and told her the things she needed to hear.

I can't wait to learn more about the Zodiac, the houses and Ochus in the next book!

This book was full of mystery, intrigue, heartbreak, and action! Such a great and strong debut from Romina Russell! I can't wait to get my hands on the sequel when it comes out and I look forward to reading more of her books in the future!

Overall, this was a great sci-fi/fantasy book! I absolutely loved it! I highly recommend this to anyone and everyone! Definitely worth the read!

Thanks for reading!

*Info on book taken from*

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